(At this point, the snow was just above my knees. Since then, we have had 10 more inches.)
In all seriousness, by the end of the third major storm of this winter, the DC-area will have broke all snow accumulation records, ever. That's no small feat for an area that doesn't get snow. It gets cold and windy, but not snow. And while I applaud the snow removal efforts, you gotta wonder how those guys could possibly dig everyone else out before the end of next week? I'll be lucky if our offices are open at all this week. Maybe Friday, but it's highly doubtful. Today we're in the midst of snow storm 3.0. There are 40 mph winds and whiteout conditions, causing the power companies to cease efforts to restore power. Let's hope ours stays on! There are cars completely buried under the snow, and this kind of things blows my mind! Yes, I'm from Canada. And I do have vague memories of this kind of weather. But it doesn't cripple a city like it does here. This is truly crazy.
Of course, the good news is that my workload is light so I've been hitting the gym everyday. The bad news is it hasn't done a lick of good! I am still at the same weight! It's getting frustrating. I know I am probably building muscle mass and I am really sticking to the diet, but I need to see results soon. I'll be tested over the next few days as my next shipment of meal replacements are stuck somewhere in Pennsylvania, thanks to the weather. So over the next few days I'm on my own for all my meals. I should be ok, I stocked up before the first storm last week. But given the results I've achieved so far, I'm not hopeful that I won't gain everything back. Today I plan to break into our pool (which is closed bc the lifeguard can't make it in) and do some swimming. Maybe that will help? Until then, I am in my P.J.'s, drinking coffee and doing what work I can. I think I can wait awhile to move to Canada :)
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